
Interesting Articles

Interesting Articles

What is “Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks”? – Prof. dr. Fikret Karčić

“Recently more intensively in the public discourse on Islam we witness the introduction of certain terms marking the name of this universal religion with adjectives of geographic and cultural character, like “Indonesian Islam”, “Turkish Islam”, “European Islam” or as in our case “Bosnian Islam”. This has been a consequence of the terminology transfer from Western religious studies, where the difference is made between “official” or “normative” religion, found in religious textual sources and their general interpretation on one side, and “folk religion” denoting interpretation and practice of a certain religion by its followers at a certain territory or within a certain group on the other. ”

Interesting Articles

Razgovor profesora Enesa Karića sa profesorom Seyyed Hossein Nasrom

Ugledni profesor na George Washington Univerzitetu, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ekskluzivno u razgovoru sa akademikom prof. dr. Enes Karić govori o religijskim sukobima zasnovanim na sektašvu, o fenomenu projekta “evropski islam”, o dehumanizaciji nastaloj kao posljedica enormne ekspanzije moderne tehnologije itd. Razgovor objavljen u Islamskim informativnim novinama “Preporod”,  BROJ 12/1022 – 15. JUNI 2014., ovdje donosimo u cijelosti.Opširnije…