On 23rd and 24th April, Institute for Islamic tradition of Bosniak organized a two – day international scientific conference titled Diasporic and migrants identities: social, cultural, political, religious and spiritual aspects in the Great Hall of the Gazi Husrev – bey's library in Sarajevo.
This was the first international conference in the organization of the Institute. It was organized in the month in which the Islamic community in BiH celebrates the Bosniak Diaspora Day (April 11th). Under the auspices of the Grand mufti of BiH Husein Kavazović this conference aimed at opening up the floor for dialogue about diasporic and migrant identities and also establish a network of relevant scholars and researchers working on these issues. The Grand mufti of BiH officially opened the conference. Among the present officials were ambassadors, the rector of the University of Sarajevo, deans and professors from universities across the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina, guests from BiH and abrod, as well as representatives of governmental and non – governmental organizations.
The focus of this conference was on the issue of identity of Bosniaks living outside the BiH, and other migrant communities whose experiences are similar. Throughout history, Bosniaks, as well as other communities of Balkan Muslims have been exposed to economic, political and forced migration, they found their place of residence in every continent, mostly in western states.
The Director of the Institute for Islamic tradition of Bosniaks, dr. Dževada Šuško said: I consider a great success the fact that this conference brings together scholars who worked on research about Bosniaks from different perspectives and Muslims in general, in diasporic communities. She also emphasized that Bosniaks are small community in comparison with other Muslim communities, but that they have a huge human potential, and they can offer authentic European – Muslim perpective.
The conference brought together 23 speakers from 15 different countries, and more than 150 participants. Keynote speeches were addressed by: dr. Jorgen Nielsen (University of Birmingham, UK), dr. Xavier Bougarel (EHESS, Paris) and dr. Safet Bandžović (Institute for history, Sarajevo).
Second day of the conference hosted Workshop on research methods focusing migration and religious studies. The workshop was led by dr. Selma Porobić, director of the Centre for Refugee and IDP Studies (CESI) of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo.
During the whole conference, there was an exhibition space where conference participants could present their work, activity or research in the form of flyers, brochures, posters, presentations, etc.
This conference was realized in organization of the Institute for Islamic tradition of Bosniaks, sponsored by Directorate for Turks Abroad and Related Communities in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, the Foundation “Konrad Adenauer” and International University of Sarajevo.
The director of the Institute, dr. Dževada Šuško invited speakers to stay in contact with the Institute for possible realization of potential research projects.
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