The Institute for Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks have visited the director of Waqf Directorate in Sarajevo, dr. Senaid Zajimovic. The focus of the visit was on the preparations for the event “The Waqf Days in B&H 2018”, where the Institute for Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks is expected to actively participate. The aim of the forthcoming event is to organize a round table on “Trebinje waqfs”. The meeting emphasized that the aim of this event is to activate citizens’ awareness of the historical and contemporary role of waqf in the preservation of Bosniaks in this area.
Besides dr. Dzevada Susko, the director of the Institute, this meeting was also attended by dr. Elvir Duranovic, Scientific Associate at the Institute, mr. Sumeja Ljevakovic-Subasic, researcher at the Institute and mr. Amela Trako-Mahmutovic, lawyer of the Waqf Directorate.
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